When you visit Richmond Park Therapies clinic, you'll notice some measures in place to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. Some might seem a little strange at first, but are required under new regulations and are designed to help keep everybody safe.
Before you come in...
1) Any Symptoms?
Very Important: if you are experiencing any Covid-19
symptoms (new & persistent cough; fever; loss of smell/taste etc), please postpone or cancel your appointment.
If you arrive with symptoms associated with Covid-19, I will not be able to treat you.
2) Do your online form!
Before your first treatment post-lockdown, you need to complete a form about Covid-19. I am required by law to obtain this from you, but it only needs doing once and will be provided via a link in your confirmation email
If you are considered a high-risk client, it may not be possible to treat you.
3) Phone consultation
Initial & update health consultations will now take place by phone a day or so prior to your appointment. You will be called for this purpose and a message left if I'm unable to get through. This is because your time at the clinic and conversation indoors both have to be limited for the time-being.
As soon as face-to-face consultations are permitted again, I will return to that form of practice.
At the clinic...
4) Arrival
Please try not to arrive early, as enhanced clinic-cleaning may still be underway following the previous client.
Once inside, please remove your shoes & leave them where shown in the hallway.
On entering the treatment room, please use the hand gel pump.
5) Masks etc
Your therapist will wear PPE as required by law.
Unless exempt, clients are now legally required to have some form of face-covering for treatment.
The couch face-cradle here is modified, so no need to wear a mask whilst laying face-down. Whilst sitting or laying face-up you can pop on your own mask, or if you forget, disposables are here for your use. Clients with anxiety, breathing issues etc are exempt from needing to wear a mask.
Please don't stress about this, we'll go through it when you arrive to ensure your total comfort.
6) Treatment
Towels & linens are always changed for each client & the treatment room will be disinfected, but please try not to touch anything you don't need to.
Dependent on the treatment you are having, your feet/hands will be wiped by your therapist before she starts work. She will also disinfect her own hands and arms before touching you.
At the end of your session, please leave all towels etc on the couch without shaking or folding them.
7) Departure
If possible please pay for your session in advance by bank transfer or whilst here with a debit/credit card. Cash can still be taken if necessary.
If detailed aftercare advice is needed, this will be provided to you by email or phone after your visit.