Coronavirus Policy
This policy outlines some of the key measures I have taken to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus (COVID-19). Please note the content may be subject to change.
Covid-19 Update: appointments after 19 July 2021
As legal restrictions designed to control the spread of Covid19 are changing, this is to clarify how I will operate Richmond Park Therapies in that respect, at least for the medium-term.
Best wishes,
Richmond Park Therapies:
I will continue to wear a face mask whilst providing treatment, as close-contact work like massage increases the chance of airborne droplet contamination. I will also continue to wear a face visor for work to the upper body.
Linens, towels, face-cradle coverings etc have always been changed freshly for each client and are washed at 60 degrees – this will continue.
Equipment, massage couches, the treatment room floor & client-touchable surfaces will continue to be disinfected between appointments. Disinfectant gel will still be provided for use on arrival.
The treatment room will continue to be thoroughly ventilated between clients.
I must continue to ask everybody to please leave promptly after treatment, as disinfecting, ventilating & re-heating the room takes considerable time and limits the number of clients I can see each day.
I will continue to take regular lateral flow tests to maximise protection for my clinically vulnerable clients, including every day when Oncology clients are treated.
If I (or my immediate family) develop symptoms associated with Covid19, appointments will be rescheduled.
For anyone keen to know, I am doubly vaccinated against Covid19.
And what about clients?
The UK government’s scientific advisors recommend face coverings continue to be worn in close contact settings, but this is now legally a matter of individual choice.
If you develop Covid19 symptoms, please reschedule your appointment. A significant number of my clients have cancer or are immune-system supressed - Covid still remains a huge risk for them, even if considered less so for a vaccinated-majority. Thank you for considering this point carefully.
If somebody you have been in recent contact with tests positive for Covid19, please reschedule your treatment for the same reason.
Your vaccination status is a private matter and I do not need to be made aware of it.
Policy as outlined(& forming the basis for any future changes) from Sept 2020
Adhering to guidelines
Throughout the pandemic, I will be following guidelines issued by the government, NHS, other relevant authorities and my professional association, the Federation of Holistic Therapists, regarding safe and hygienic practice and the use of any personal protective equipment (PPE).
COVID-19 Risk Assessment
I have carried out a full risk assessment, in line with guidance from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), in order to:
identify what work activity or situations might cause transmission of the virus;
think about who could be at risk;
decide how likely it is that someone could be exposed; and to
act to remove the activity or situation, or if this isn’t possible, control the risk.
Health screening
Prior to seeing any of my clients for massage therapy or reflexology, I will be:
monitoring my own health and deferring treatments if I have COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19.
contacting my clients 24 hours in advance and deferring any treatments if: they have COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19; are clinically extremely vulnerable and shielding; anyone in their household has COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19; they have been in close contact with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days; they have been contacted by the NHS Test and Trace Service and told to self isolate.
asking my clients to call and cancel and defer treatment on the morning of their appointment if they have a temperature or other symptoms of COVID-19.
Enhanced cleaning and hygiene measures
Although I have always taken hygiene very seriously in my clinic, I have introduced enhanced cleaning and hygiene measures between clients, which includes washing and disinfecting any non-porous surfaces and therapy equipment, such as chairs and couches, and replacing any porous or single-use items, such as towels and couch roll. Strict personal hygiene measures will also be adhered to, including regular handwashing/ sanitising.
Adapting or restricting treatments
It may be necessary for me to adapt or restrict certain treatments, in order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 and/or protect my clients’ health and safety. Any clients likely to be impacted will be advised as soon as possible. This may for example include desisting from the use of deep tissue massage techniques in cases where previous Covid-19 infection was suspected but unconfirmed, or in the cases of those in recovery and seeking massage therapy, reflexology or manual lymphatic drainage massage.
Maintaining social distancing & the use of PPE
Please note that while many treatments involve close contact, I will be observing social distancing measures wherever possible. This might include, for example, maintaining an appropriate distance during the consultation process, and when arriving and leaving for an appointment. Throughout massage therapy or reflexology treatments I will wear PPE as required by Government Guidelines and my insurance policy - this to include a visor and type II medical face mask. Clients will be asked to wear a face mask to their appointment unless exempt.
Cancellations policy
If a treatment is cancelled or deferred at short notice because my client has COVID-19 or has symptoms of COVID-19, any standard cancellation fees will be waivered. The client will be asked to kindly confirm in writing that their appointment has been cancelled or deferred because they have COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19.
For more information… I am happy to be contacted to discuss any aspect of your treatment at Richmond Park Therapies.
Nina Caton Gupta
Massage Therapist in Kingston
Updated Aug 2020